
Volunteer (PHEVR)


Volunteer Program

Public Health Emergency Volunteer Reserve

Volunteers Needed To Help During an Emergency

Every emergency response is a coordinated effort.  Officials and volunteers must work together to save lives and protect property.  Emergency officials all agree volunteers are absolutely necessary in the event of an emergency.

During a public health emergency -  such as a terrorist event - help might be needed at central locations.   At these clinics, we may need people to:
  • Distribute information..
  • Help patients complete paperwork.
  • Direct traffic.
  • Staff an informational hotline.
  • Load and unload supplies.
  • Provide child care.
  • Prepare meals.
  • Provide security.
  • Distribute medications.
  • Give vaccinations.
If you would like to be an asset to your neighborhood or community in an emergency, consider joining the PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY VOLUNTEER RESERVE (PHEVR).

You do not need to be a health-care professional to join.  Call your local public health office for more information. Volunteer